Extreme heat is often characterized by long periods of high temperatures in combination with high humidity. During these conditions, the human body has difficulties cooling through the standard method of the evaporation of perspiration. Health risks arise when a person is overexposed to heat. Extreme heat can also lead to increased air conditioner use, which can lead to power failures. For the planning area, the months with the highest temperatures are May, June, July, August, and September. During the summer months, the average temperatures are around 81° F.
Another factor to consider in extreme heat situations is the humidity level relative to the temperature. As is indicated in the following figure, as the relative humidity increases, the temperature needed to cause a dangerous situation decreases. For example, for 100 percent relative humidity, dangerous levels of heat begin at 86°F, whereas a relative humidity of 50 percent require 94°F. The combination of relative humidity and temperature result in a heat index: 100 percent relative humidity + 86°F = 112° heat index.
Figure 44: NOAA Heat Index
Source: National Weather Service, NOAA Heat Index
Table 34: Average Temperatures with Days Above 90 Degrees in Planning Area, 2019
Month |
Average Temp (F°) |
Days per Month Above 90° |
January |
54.5 |
0 |
February |
65.1 |
0 |
March |
63.2 |
0 |
April |
70 |
0 |
May |
79.6 |
6 |
June |
84.1 |
22 |
July |
84.3 |
17 |
August |
85.5 |
27 |
September |
85.3 |
28 |
October |
75.5 |
10 |
November |
60.6 |
0 |
December |
59.6 |
0 |
Annual |
72.3 |
110 |
Source: National Weather Service Forecast Office, New Orleans/Baton Rouge, LA
The National Weather Service issues public warnings about extreme heat:
- Excessive heat outlooks,
- Excessive heat watches, and
- Excessive heat warnings.
Excessive heat outlooks are issued when the potential exists for an excessive heat event in the next 3 to 7 days. Excessive heat outlooks can be utilized by public utility staff, emergency managers, and public health officials to plan for extreme heat events.
Excessive heat watches are issued when conditions are favorable for an excessive heat event in the next 24 to 72 hours. An excessive heat watch should provide local officials and residents in the area enough time to take appropriate actions to mitigate the effects of extreme heat.
Excessive heat warnings are issued when an excessive heat event is expected in the next 36 hours. Excessive heat warnings are issued when an extreme heat event is occurring, is imminent, or has a very high probability of occurring.
Location and Extent of the Extreme Heat
Based on historical records for the New Orleans Area as reported by NOAA, the extreme maximum temperature is approximately 102° Fahrenheit for the Parish. For the purposes of this plan, extreme heat events are quantified as days with temperatures exceeding 90° Fahrenheit. Given the zonal nature of extreme heat events, they have the potential to impact the entire Parish.
Developed areas feel the impacts of extreme heat more than naturally vegetated areas due to the impact of surface temperatures of roofs and pavement, which can be 50 – 90 degrees hotter than the air, creating urban heat islands. Areas that are shaded and areas of natural vegetation tend to remain closer to the ambient air temperature.[1] The increased temperatures in urban areas increase demand for energy to cool homes and businesses, elevating emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases. Heat islands also impact individuals, including vulnerable populations, which may experience general discomfort, respiratory difficulties, heat cramps and exhaustion, non-fatal heat stroke, and heat-related mortality.[2]
Severity of the Extreme Heat
The months of July and August are when most extreme heat events occur. Periods of high temperatures can make people vulnerable to heatstroke, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and pose a threat to human life. Most heat disorders occur because the victim has been overexposed to heat or has over-exercised for his or her age and physical condition. Older adults, young children, and those who are sick or overweight are more likely to succumb to extreme heat. Persons that are homeless or living without air conditioning are more susceptible to extreme heat as they do not have a way to avoid heat exposure. Building stock, such as critical facilities, are not at risk; however, periods of extreme heat place a significant demand on utilities, such as water and electricity, which can cause a failure in the system. Power loss could occur with the high demand for energy, making an extreme heat event even more dangerous. The current record high of 102 degrees Fahrenheit occurred on 8/22/1980.
Occurrences of Extreme Heat
Based on data provided by the National Climatic Data Center and SHELDUS for the period of record between 1981 – 2019, there are, on average, 56 days each year in which the temperature is at least 90 degrees Fahrenheit in New Orleans.
NOAA’s NCDC and SHELDUS database also records extreme heat events. For the time period between 1996 and 2019, there have been two extreme heat events recorded in this database for Orleans Parish, causing two injuries and one death. August 14, 1999. At an outdoor rally for public schools in New Orleans, 25 people were treated for heat-related illness, with two people sent to the hospital for treatment. July 16, 2000. A New Orleans man was discovered dead in his home as a result of excessive heat.
Hazard Impacts
Impact on Life and Property Extreme Heat
The direct and indirect effects of extreme heat are difficult to quantify. There is no way to place a value on the loss of human life. Potential losses, such as power outages, could affect businesses, homes, and critical facilities. High demand and intense use of air conditioning can overload the electrical systems and cause damages to infrastructure.
According to the FEMA publication “What is a Benefit: Guidance on Benefit-Cost Analysis of Hazard Mitigation Project (June 2009)”, if an extreme heat event occurred within the planning area, the event could potentially cause a loss of electricity for ten percent of the population at the cost of $126 per person per day. At 2018 population levels, this would result in $4.9 million of assumed damage per day.
One of the many factors contributing to rising temperatures is the urban heat island effect. This effect happens when metropolitan communities experience a peak in rising temperatures due to an increase in built structures, pavement, impermeable surfaces, pollution, overcrowding, overproduction of waste heat and chemicals (industrial processes), and decreased vegetation that would normally absorb heat. Low-income and minority populations in the urban core are disproportionately affected by the urban heat island effect[3]. Adults 65 and older are especially vulnerable to health impacts due to extreme heat, as they are more likely to experience a heat-related illness than any other age group.
According to the New Orleans Department of Health, the number of heat-related hospitalizations has been rising annually since 2013. Of those hospitalizations, those ranging from 55 to 65 years old are the most vulnerable age group to heat-related hospitalization. Men are most likely to visit the hospital for heat-related issues, at 2.75 times the rate of women and 2.47 times more likely to be hospitalized. Black New Orleanians are 3.59 times more likely to visit the emergency department and 2.5 times more likely to be hospitalized due to heat-related illness compared to White New Orleanians. In addition, since 1979, more than 9,000 Americans have died as a direct result of heat-related illnesses[4].
Figure 45: Heat-Stress Related Hospitalizations in Orleans Parish
Source: New Orleans Health Department
Figure 46: Heat Stress Hospitalizations by Age in Orleans Parish
Source: New Orleans Health Department
Figure 47: Heat Stress Emergency Department Visits by Age in Orleans Parish
Source: New Orleans Health Department
The statistical probability of extreme heat impacting New Orleans is 100% on an annual basis, with an average of 56 days per year with a temperature over 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Future climate patterns are projected to increase the frequency and severity of extreme heat across the planning area.[5] An increase in extreme heat events will likely correspond with increased energy demand for cooling, which may, in turn, have implications for housing affordability and the ability to meet greenhouse gas reduction targets.
Exposure to extreme heat events is affected by energy efficiency and power grid resilience. In 2019 the City Council passed a Nursing Home Generator Ordinance to help protect vulnerable elderly adults from extreme heat events.
[1] United State Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved 2020. Heat Island Impacts.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Hoffman, Shandas, and Pendleton. The Effects of Historical Housing Policies on Resident Exposure to Intra-Urban Heat: A Study of 108 US Urban Areas. Climate 2020, 8, 12; doi: 10.3390/cli8010012
[4] New Orleans Health Department. (2018, April). Climate Change & Health Report.
[5] Fourth National Climate Assessment. (n.d.). Retrieved December 17, 2020
Relevant Actions
Hazard: Extreme Heat |
Goal: Goal 6: To protect Orleans Parish and the surrounding region from the effects of natural and manmade hazards, ensuring community continuity in the event of such hazards. |
Timeframe: 1-5 years |
Priority: High |
2015 Priority: Medium |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Health Department) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: $5,000 - $50,000 |
Funding source: City Budget |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 8 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Storm Surge, Tropical Cyclones, Coastal Erosion, Subsidence, Infrastructure Failure, Tornadoes, Extreme Heat |
Goal: Goal 6: To protect Orleans Parish and the surrounding region from the effects of natural and manmade hazards, ensuring community continuity in the event of such hazards. |
Timeframe: 1-5 years |
Priority: High |
2015 Priority: High |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: $250,000- $800,000 per site |
Funding source: City of New Orleans Capital Improvements, FEMA, Sewage and Water Board, Private Sector |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 12 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Extreme Heat, Winter Weather |
Goal: Goal 1: Reduce risk and vulnerability to the human environment including cultural resources, homeowners, renters, visitors, and transient populations. |
Timeframe: 1-5 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Office of Community Development) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants, Philanthropic Grants, Private Financing |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 6 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Storm Surge, Extreme Heat, Subsidence, Coastal Erosion, Infectious Disease Outbreak |
Goal: Goal 1: Reduce risk and vulnerability to the human environment including cultural resources, homeowners, renters, visitors, and transient populations. |
Timeframe: 1-3 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Office of Resilience & Sustainability) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants, Philanthropic Grants |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 14 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Storm Surge, Tornadoes, Tropical Cyclones, Coastal Erosion, Subsidence, Severe Thunderstorms, Extreme Heat, Winter Weather |
Goal: Goal 1: Reduce risk and vulnerability to the human environment including cultural resources, homeowners, renters, visitors, and transient populations. |
Timeframe: 1-3 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Office of Resilience & Sustainability) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants, Philanthropic Grants |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 14 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Extreme Heat, Winter Weather, Infrastructure Failure (Power Outages) |
Goal: Goal 2: Reduce risk and vulnerability to the built environment including current and future structures; critical facilities; historic structures; and infrastructure, including communications infrastructure. |
Timeframe: 1-5 years |
Priority: High |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Office of Resilience & Sustainability) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants, Philanthropic Grants, Private Financing |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 12 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Extreme heat, Winter Weather |
Goal: Goal 2: Reduce risk and vulnerability to the built environment including current and future structures; critical facilities; historic structures; and infrastructure, including communications infrastructure. |
Timeframe: 3-5 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (City Planning Commission) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time |
Funding source: CNO General Fund |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 12 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Extreme Heat |
Goal: Goal 2: Reduce risk and vulnerability to the built environment including current and future structures; critical facilities; historic structures; and infrastructure, including communications infrastructure. |
Timeframe: 1-5 years |
Priority: High |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Department of Public Works, Parks and Parkways) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time, Contract Labor, Community Partner Time |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants, Philanthropic Grants |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 11, ESF 14 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Extreme Heat |
Goal: Goal 2: Reduce risk and vulnerability to the built environment including current and future structures; critical facilities; historic structures; and infrastructure, including communications infrastructure. |
Timeframe: 1-5 years |
Priority: Low |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Parks and Parkways) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time, Contract Labor, Community Partner Time |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants, Philanthropic Grants |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 11, ESF 14 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Extreme Heat |
Goal: Goal 2: Reduce risk and vulnerability to the built environment including current and future structures; critical facilities; historic structures; and infrastructure, including communications infrastructure. |
Timeframe: 1-5 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Department of Public Works) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time, Contract Labor, Community Partner Time |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants, Philanthropic Grants |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 11, ESF 14 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Extreme Heat |
Goal: Goal 2: Reduce risk and vulnerability to the built environment including current and future structures; critical facilities; historic structures; and infrastructure, including communications infrastructure. |
Timeframe: 1-2 years |
Priority: High |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Department of Public Works) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time, Partner Agency Time, Contract Labor |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 1 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Extreme Heat |
Goal: Goal 3: Reduce risk and vulnerability to the natural environment including wetland restoration and recognition of New Orleans as a coastal city. |
Timeframe: 1 to 3 years |
Priority: High |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Parks & Parkways) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time and Materials |
Funding source: CNO General Fund |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 11, ESF 14 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Tornadoes, Tropical Cyclones, Severe Thunderstorms, Extreme Heat, Subsidence, Winter Weather, Coastal Erosion, Infectious Disease Outbreak, Active Threats, Infrastructure Failure, Hazardous Materials, Economic Shock |
Goal: Goal 4: Maximize the involvement of individuals, businesses, and groups in risk reduction measures through education/outreach on hazard mitigation appropriate to all groups, particularly vulnerable populations. |
Timeframe: 3-5 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time, Contract Labor |
Funding source: City capital bond funds, GOMESA, CDBG, CDBG-NDR, Sewerage and Water Board, State capital outlay, FHWA, FEMA-HMGP, US Army Corps of Engineers, FEMA |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 1, ESF 3 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Storm Surge, Tornadoes, Tropical Cyclones Severe Thunderstorms, Extreme Heat, Winter Weather, Coastal Erosion, Subsidence |
Goal: Goal 4: Maximize the involvement of individuals, businesses, and groups in risk reduction measures through education/outreach on hazard mitigation appropriate to all groups, particularly vulnerable populations. |
Timeframe: 4-5 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Office of Community Development) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time, Contract Labor |
Funding source: GOMESA, CPRA, CWPPRA, Sewerage and Water Board |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 1, ESF 3 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Tornadoes, Tropical Cyclones, Severe Thunderstorms, Extreme Heat, Winter Weather, Coastal Erosion, Subsidence |
Goal: Goal 4: Maximize the involvement of individuals, businesses, and groups in risk reduction measures through education/outreach on hazard mitigation appropriate to all groups, particularly vulnerable populations. |
Timeframe: 1-2 years |
Priority: High |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Department of Public Works, Parks and Parkways) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time, Contract Labor |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants, Philanthropic Grants |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 3, ESF 5 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Storm Surge, Tornadoes, Tropical Cyclones, Severe Thunderstorms, Extreme Heat, Subsidence, Winter Weather, Coastal Erosion, Infectious Disease Outbreak, Active Threats, Infrastructure Failure, Hazardous Materials, Economic Shock |
Goal: Goal 4: Maximize the involvement of individuals, businesses, and groups in risk reduction measures through education/outreach on hazard mitigation appropriate to all groups, particularly vulnerable populations. |
Timeframe: 1-5 years |
Priority: High |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Office of Resilience & Sustainability) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants, Philanthropic Grants |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 15 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Extreme Heat |
Goal: Goal 4: Maximize the involvement of individuals, businesses, and groups in risk reduction measures through education/outreach on hazard mitigation appropriate to all groups, particularly vulnerable populations. |
Timeframe: 1-2 years |
Priority: High |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: NORA |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time, Contract Labor |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants, Philanthropic Grants |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 5 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Storm Surge, Tropical Cyclones, Coastal Erosion, Subsidence, Severe Thunderstorms, Extreme Heat, Winter Weather |
Goal: Goal 4: Maximize the involvement of individuals, businesses, and groups in risk reduction measures through education/outreach on hazard mitigation appropriate to all groups, particularly vulnerable populations. |
Timeframe: 1-5 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Office of Resilience & Sustainability) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time, Contract Labor |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants, Philanthropic Grants |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 5 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Tornadoes, Tropical Cyclones, Severe Thunderstorms, Extreme Heat, Subsidence, Winter Weather, Coastal Erosion, Infectious Disease Outbreak, Active Threats, Infrastructure Failure, Hazardous Materials, Economic Shock |
Goal: Goal 4: Maximize the involvement of individuals, businesses, and groups in risk reduction measures through education/outreach on hazard mitigation appropriate to all groups, particularly vulnerable populations. |
Timeframe: 1-5 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time |
Funding source: State and Federal Grants |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 5, ESF 7 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Storm Surge, Tornadoes, Tropical Cyclones, Severe Thunderstorms, Extreme Heat, Winter Weather |
Goal: Goal 5: To promote, implement, and sustain mitigation measures in Orleans Parish in order to reduce and manage risks to human life, the environment, and property. |
Timeframe: 1-2 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 5 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Extreme Heat |
Goal: Goal 5: To promote, implement, and sustain mitigation measures in Orleans Parish in order to reduce and manage risks to human life, the environment, and property. |
Timeframe: 1-2 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (City Planning Commission) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants, Philanthropic Grants |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 5 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Extreme Heat |
Goal: Goal 5: To promote, implement, and sustain mitigation measures in Orleans Parish in order to reduce and manage risks to human life, the environment, and property. |
Timeframe: 1 to 3 years |
Priority: Low |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Safety & Permits) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time |
Funding source: CNO General Fund |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 11 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Tornadoes, Tropical Cyclones, Severe Thunderstorms, Extreme Heat, Winter Weather, Coastal Erosion, Subsidence |
Goal: Goal 5: To promote, implement, and sustain mitigation measures in Orleans Parish in order to reduce and manage risks to human life, the environment, and property. |
Timeframe: 4-5 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Information Technology & Innovation) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time, Contract Labor |
Funding source: EPA, US Army Corps of Engineers, FEMA-HMGP |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 8 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Tornadoes, Tropical Cyclones, Severe Thunderstorms, Extreme Heat, Winter Weather, Coastal Erosion, Subsidence |
Goal: Goal 5: To promote, implement, and sustain mitigation measures in Orleans Parish in order to reduce and manage risks to human life, the environment, and property. |
Timeframe: 4-5 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority:
Lead Agencies: SWBNO |
Support Agencies:
Cost: Staff Time, Contract Labor |
Funding source: EPA, US Army Corps of Engineers, FEMA-HMGP |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 8 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Tornadoes, Tropical Cyclones, Severe Thunderstorms, Extreme Heat, Winter Weather, Coastal Erosion, Subsidence |
Goal: Goal 5: To promote, implement, and sustain mitigation measures in Orleans Parish in order to reduce and manage risks to human life, the environment, and property. |
Timeframe: 4-5 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority:
Lead Agencies: NORA |
Support Agencies:
Cost: Staff Time, Contract Labor |
Funding source: EPA, US Army Corps of Engineers, FEMA-HMGP |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 8 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Tornadoes, Tropical Cyclones, Severe Thunderstorms, Extreme Heat, Winter Weather, Coastal Erosion, Subsidence |
Goal: Goal 5: To promote, implement, and sustain mitigation measures in Orleans Parish in order to reduce and manage risks to human life, the environment, and property. |
Timeframe: 4-5 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority:
Lead Agencies: HANO |
Support Agencies:
Cost: Staff Time, Contract Labor |
Funding source: EPA, US Army Corps of Engineers, FEMA-HMGP |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 8 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Tornadoes, Tropical Cyclones, Severe Thunderstorms, Extreme Heat, Winter Weather, Coastal Erosion, Subsidence |
Goal: Goal 5: To promote, implement, and sustain mitigation measures in Orleans Parish in order to reduce and manage risks to human life, the environment, and property. |
Timeframe: 4-5 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority:
Lead Agencies: Tulane University |
Support Agencies:
Cost: Staff Time, Contract Labor |
Funding source: EPA, US Army Corps of Engineers, FEMA-HMGP |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 8 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Tornadoes, Tropical Cyclones, Severe Thunderstorms, Extreme Heat, Winter Weather, Coastal Erosion, Subsidence |
Goal: Goal 5: To promote, implement, and sustain mitigation measures in Orleans Parish in order to reduce and manage risks to human life, the environment, and property. |
Timeframe: 1-2 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Office of Resilience & Sustainability) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time, Contract Labor |
Funding source: Health and Human Services, CDC, EPA |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 8, ESF 6 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Extreme Heat, Winter Weather, Tropical Cyclones |
Goal: Goal 5: To promote, implement, and sustain mitigation measures in Orleans Parish in order to reduce and manage risks to human life, the environment, and property. |
Timeframe: 1-3 years |
Priority: Low |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Department of Public Works, Office of Resilience & Sustainability) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time |
Funding source: CNO General Fund |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 5 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Extreme Heat, Winter Weather, Tropical Cyclones, Severe Thunderstorms |
Goal: Goal 5: To promote, implement, and sustain mitigation measures in Orleans Parish in order to reduce and manage risks to human life, the environment, and property. |
Timeframe: 1-3 years |
Priority: Low |
2015 Priority:
Lead Agencies: HANO |
Support Agencies:
Cost: Staff Time |
Funding source: TBD |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 5 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Extreme Heat, Tornadoes, Tropical Cyclones, Severe Thunderstorms |
Goal: Goal 5: To promote, implement, and sustain mitigation measures in Orleans Parish in order to reduce and manage risks to human life, the environment, and property. |
Timeframe: 1-3 years |
Priority: High |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Parks & Parkways) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time, Contract Labor |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants, Philanthropic Grants, and Private Funds |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 5 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Extreme Heat |
Goal: Goal 5: To promote, implement, and sustain mitigation measures in Orleans Parish in order to reduce and manage risks to human life, the environment, and property. |
Timeframe: 1-3 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time, Contract Labor |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants, Philanthropic Grants |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 5 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Tornadoes, Tropical Cyclones, Severe Thunderstorms, Extreme Heat, Subsidence, Winter Weather, Coastal Erosion, Infectious Disease Outbreak, Active Threats, Infrastructure Failure, Hazardous Materials, Economic Shock |
Goal: Goal 6: To protect Orleans Parish and the surrounding region from the effects of natural and manmade hazards, ensuring community continuity in the event of such hazards. |
Timeframe: 3-5 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: CNO (Office of Resilience & Sustainability, Neighborhood Engagement Office) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: City Staff Time |
Funding source: CNO General Fund, State and Federal Grants, Philanthropic Grants |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 7, ESF 14 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding, Tornadoes, Tropical Cyclones, Severe Thunderstorms, Extreme Heat, Subsidence, Winter Weather, Coastal Erosion, Infectious Disease Outbreak, Active Threats, Infrastructure Failure, Hazardous Materials, Economic Shock |
Goal: Goal 6: To protect Orleans Parish and the surrounding region from the effects of natural and manmade hazards, ensuring community continuity in the event of such hazards. |
Timeframe: 1-5 years |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority:
Lead Agencies: HANO |
Support Agencies:
Cost: TBD |
Funding source: TBD |
Emergency Support Function:
Comment on this action item
Hazard: All |
Goal: Goal 2: Reduce risk and vulnerability to the built environment including current and future structures; critical facilities; historic structures; and infrastructure, including communications infrastructure. |
Timeframe: TBD |
Priority: Medium |
2015 Priority: N/A |
Lead Agencies: SWBNO Emergency Mgmt |
Support Agencies:
Cost: 21000000 |
Funding source: PDM/SWBNO |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 6 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding,Storm Surge,Tropical Cyclones,Tornadoes,Subsidence,Winter Weather,Extreme Heat,Severe Thunderstorms |
Goal 2: Reduce risk and vulnerability to the built environment including current and future structures; critical facilities; historic structures; and infrastructure, including communications infrastructure.
Timeframe: On Going |
Priority: High |
2015 Priority:
Lead Agencies: Tulane University (Office of Risk Management) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: Cost will be project specific |
Funding source: GOHSEP; FEMA |
Emergency Support Function: ESF 3 |
Comment on this action item
Hazard: Flooding,Tropical Cyclones,Coastal Erosion,Tornadoes,Subsidence,Winter Weather,Extreme Heat,Severe Thunderstorms |
Goal 2: Reduce risk and vulnerability to the built environment including current and future structures; critical facilities; historic structures; and infrastructure, including communications infrastructure.
Timeframe: 1 year |
Priority: High |
2015 Priority:
Lead Agencies: Tulane University (Office of Capital Projects and Real Estate) |
Support Agencies:
Cost: Staff Time and Data Costs |
Emergency Support Function:
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Hazard: Extreme Heat, Infrastructure Failure (power outages) |
Goal: Goal 1: Reduce risk and vulnerability to the human environment including cultural resources, homeowners, renters, visitors, and transient populations. |
Timeframe: 2-5 years |
2015 Priority:
Lead Agencies: Tulane University Office of Planning and Office of Capital Projects |
Support Agencies:
Cost: Unknown |
Funding source: TBD |
Emergency Support Function:
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