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The City of New Orleans

Lower Mississippi Saltwater Intrusion

School Impacts

Frequently Asked Questions

What is NOLA Public Schools (NOLA-PS) doing to address potential saltwater intrusion from the Mississippi River?

NOLA-PS is actively addressing this issue through a well-coordinated approach. Our Operations team is working closely with various agencies, including the City of New Orleans, New Orleans Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (NOHSEP), the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and the Louisiana Department of Health to ensure a unified response. Additionally, we are collaborating with environmental health experts and professional engineers to assess water and mechanical systems in our facilities to prioritize the well-being of our students and staff.


How is NOLA-PS ensuring the safety of scholars and staff during this situation?

We are distributing comprehensive guidelines to schools regarding water usage to address the advancing saltwater wedge from the river. We will also host regular update meetings with our school leaders to ensure constant communication and coordination. NOLA-PS is collaborating with its child nutrition team to adapt meal preparation and service for scholars if necessary. For schools not using our child nutrition services, detailed guidance will be provided, and we encourage them to utilize their food vendors for safe meal preparation.

Is the district acquiring bottled water?  If so, how much?

At this time, NOLA-PS has no immediate plans to procure bottled water. However, it's important to note that this approach may evolve based on the situation's demands. Our dedicated procurement and operations team is on standby, collaborating closely with local and state agencies to ensure efficient water acquisition and distribution if the need arises. The City is also working on a contingency plan for water distribution should the saltwater wedge reach Orleans Parish.

Will NOLA-PS transition to virtual learning due to facility issues arising from saltwater intrusion?

As of now, there are no district-wide plans to transition to virtual learning. In the event of facility issues caused by saltwater intrusion, we will address them on a case-by-case basis, always prioritizing the safety and well-being of our students and staff.

How will NOLA-PS keep the community informed about the situation?

NOLA-PS will remain vigilant in monitoring the situation and provide regular updates to the community. Your safety and the quality of scholars' education are our top priorities. We are committed to ensuring the best for our students and the community we serve.