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The City of New Orleans

Tropical Storm Cristobal Updates

The New Orleans Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness is monitoring Tropical Storm Cristobal. Regardless of further development, heavy rainfall will be possible in New Orleans late this week and into next week, with the heaviest rainfall over the weekend. 

Jun 08
5:01 PM
Tropical Storm Cristobal

City Responds to Impacts from Tropical Storm Cristobal

The City of New Orleans continues to respond to what is now Tropical Depression Cristobal, which brought rain, wind and coastal flooding to the area. Rain will continue to be possible through the evening with a flash flood watch in effect until 7 a.m. Tuesday. A coastal flood advisory also remains in effect for areas outside of the levee system through 7 a.m. Tuesday morning. 

Jun 08
8:35 AM
Tropical Storm Cristobal

RTA resumes bus and streetcar service

All RTA bus routes, the Canal line, and the Loyola streetcar lines entered service at 8:00 am and should be fully operational by 9:00 am. Service on the St. Charles streetcar line will resume as soon as personal vehicles are relocated from the neutral ground.

Jun 07
2:58 PM
Tropical Storm Cristobal

City Hall Closed in Response to Tropical Storm Cristobal

Out of an abundance of caution and to ensure the protection of life and property, the City of New Orleans and all of its administrative operations closed on Sunday, June 7, 2020, at 7 a.m. and will remain closed on Monday, June 8, 2020, due to severe weather expected across the New Orleans area.

Jun 07
1:34 PM
Tropical Storm Cristobal

Voluntary Evacuation Order Issued for Areas Outside Levee System in Orleans Parish

The City of New Orleans is issuing a voluntary evacuation order for areas outside of the levee system in Orleans Parish, including Venetian Isles, Lake Catherine, and Irish Bayou. While the storm surge forecast of 3 to 5 feet has not changed, Tropical Storm Cristobal has slowed to approximately 5 miles per hour. Residents in Orleans' coastal communities are encouraged to understand the prolonged risk of storm surge and make decisions that are right for their families. As of now, the Flood Protection Authority East does not anticipate closing the Highway 90 or Highway 11 floodgates.


Jun 07
1:30 PM
Tropical Storm Cristobal

Mayor Cantrell Updates Residents Sunday On Tropical Storm Cristobal

“We are prepared for Tropical Storm Cristobal as it makes its way toward the region. We need our residents to stay weather aware: shelter in place, make sure you have essential supplies, secure your garbage and recycling bins, park your cars on higher ground, and report any flooding or other adverse weather impacts in your neighborhood to 3-1-1,” said Mayor Cantrell.

Jun 06
9:00 PM
Tropical Storm Cristobal

City of New Orleans Urges Residents to Prepare Solid Waste Collections in Anticipation of Tropic Storm Cristobal

In anticipation of tomorrow’s severe weather due to Tropical Storm Cristobal, the City of New Orleans urges residents to immediately remove their garbage/recycling carts and bulky waste from the curb and secure them on their property. Due to a variety of factors, some collections may not have occurred as scheduled today.

Jun 06
7:47 PM
Tropical Storm Cristobal

RTA ceases service beginning Sunday, June 7 due to Tropical Storm Cristobal

Due to expected tropical storm force winds brought on by Tropical Storm Cristobal, the RTA intends to run service through Saturday night with service suspending on all lines Sunday morning at approximately 2:00 am. Should conditions worsen through the night, service may be suspended prior to 2:00 am for the safety of our riders and operators. 

Jun 06
11:02 AM
Tropical Storm Cristobal

Latest Update on Tropical Storm Cristobal

The City of New Orleans continues to monitor Cristobal, which is moving northward over the central Gulf of Mexico and is forecast to move inland across Louisiana late Sunday and Monday morning. The outer rain bands have already begun to impact the New Orleans area and will grow in intensity as the storm moves closer. The arrival of tropical storm winds will most likely be Sunday morning but potentially as early as overnight tonight. Residents should be wrapping up their storm preparations today, as conditions will begin to deteriorate late tonight. 

Jun 06
10:49 AM
Tropical Storm Cristobal

Update: RTA prepares for Tropical Storm Cristobal

Streetcar service on all lines is suspended effective immediately in response to the state of emergency declaration, anticipated flooding, and the lifting of parking restrictions throughout the city.  Bus service will replace the 47 - Canal-Cemeteries, 48 - Canal-City Park, 12 - St. Charles, and 49 - Rampart-Loyola Streetcar lines. The 2-Riverfront will cease operating immediately. The #5 and # 55 bus routes remain operational to support Riverfront passengers.  

The Chalmette-Lower Algiers and the Canal St. - Algiers Point ferries will stop running at 7:00 pm today. 

Jun 05
5:57 PM
Tropical Storm Cristobal

RTA Prepares for Tropical Storm Cristobal

Subject to rapidly evolving events, the RTA is tentatively planning to maintain transit operations up ‪until 8-12 hours before Tropical Storm Cristobal’s impact on New Orleans. Paratransit customers with urgent medical appointments, such as dialysis, are encouraged to book rides as soon as possible by calling 504-827-7433. Please follow @NewOrleansRTA on Twitter and Facebook or call the Rideline at 504-248-3900 for the latest information on storm impacts.

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