NOLA Ready logo
The City of New Orleans

Special Considerations

Language Access Complaint Form


Tiếng Việt

NOLA Ready is committed to providing all community members with fair access to emergency readiness services regardless of the language they use.

We strive to ensure meaningful language access for all services provided before, during and after disasters. Beyond access to an interpreter, we aim to provide translated flyers and informational posts, public notices of language access services, and distribution of vital materials to non-English speaking communities. This standard of language access should be available across all disaster resources, including but not limited to: emergency communications, sheltering, food and hydration resources, energy and power supplies, evacuation and transportation, among others.

If you feel that you were unable to access emergency resources due to unmet language needs, please complete and submit the complaint form below.  

Contact Information
(Please note: If you do not provide contact information, we will not be able to inform you of the steps we are taking to respond to your complaint.):
( ) -
How would you prefer to be contacted if more information is needed?:

Is somebody else helping you fill out this form? *:

If yes, include their contact information:
( ) -
What language would you prefer to receive written information in? *:

What language would you prefer to receive spoken information in? *:

Complaint Details
Include as much as detail as possible, including the name(s) and/or position(s) of any relevant individuals involved and the services/information you were seeking
Where did this incident occur? *:

What language(s) did you need services in? *:

Language access issues: *:

(select all that apply)
Did this incident happen more than once?*:

If so, indicate the date/time of the most recent incident
(approximate, if unknown)
Which of the following did this incident directly impact *:

(select all that apply)
Did you inform staff from this department/agency that you needed assistance in your language? *:

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