Download our guides and resources to get your family, business, and community ready.
Guide to Hurricanes
Preparedness info for hurricanes and tropical storms, including emergency supplies, evacuation planning, sheltering in place, and planning for special needs
Brochures: English Spanish Vietnamese
Prep Card: English Spanish Vietnamese
Guide to Tornadoes
English Spanish Vietnamese
Guide to Power Outages
English Spanish Vietnamese
Emergency Prep Guide for Older Adults & People with Disabilities
English Spanish Vietnamese
My Family Emergency Plan Doorhanger
Information for how to create a family emergency plan.
English Spanish
Generator Safety Doorhanger
Tips on how to use generators safely during power outages in New Orleans.
English Spanish
Carbon Monoxide Safety Doorhanger
Information on how to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning when using a generator.
English Spanish
Business Continuity Guide
Emergency preparedness guide for NOLA's small businesses
Building Hardening Guide
Guide to retrofitting your building to protect against flooding, wind, hail, and fire.
Emergency Survival Tips for Living Outdoors
A guide for unhoused individuals on natural hazards that occur in New Orleans.
2021 NOLA Ready Annual Report
A review of NOLA Ready's work throughout the 2021 year.
Looking for more resources? Check out these guides from our community partners on how to stay prepared and ready year-round.
Louisiana Emergency Preparedness Guide
Emergency preparedness and risk mitigation guide from the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness
English Spanish Vietnamese
Queer/Trans Guide to Hurricane Season
Community guide made by Imagine Water Works.