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The City of New Orleans

Super Bowl LIX - Feb. 9, 2025

Public Safety Information

New Orleans wishes you a fun and safe time during your stay.

Attending the Super Bowl?

Attend safely, with these public safety tips.

Keep track of your group

  • Plan a meeting spot in case your group gets separated.
  • Take a "safety selfie" of your group at the beginning of the day. That way if you can't find someone, you have a photo of what they're wearing.
  • If you can't find your child, tell the nearest public safety official. Take a picture of your child to show to the nearest public safety official if you get separated.

Travel safely

  • Plan ahead for heavy vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Be patient and build extra time into travel.
  • Slow down and don't drive distracted.
  • Stop for people in the crosswalks and do not block crosswalks.
  • Keep bike lanes clear, don't drive or park in bike lanes.
  • When passing a person bicycling, use care and provide at least 3 feet of space.
  • Check for approaching bicycle riders before opening your door.

Be aware of your surroundings 

  • Keep track of your personal belongings.
  • If you see something, say something. Report suspicious activity to local authorities: call 1-800-434-8007 or 9-1-1.
    • Always call 9-1-1 to report an emergency

If You See Something, Say Something

Public safety is everyone's responsibility. If you see something suspicious, report it to local authorities. 


If you see suspicious activity

Report it to law enforcement and describe specifically what you observed, including:

  • Who or what you saw;
  • When you saw it;
  • Where it occurred; and
  • Why it’s suspicious.

To report suspicious activity

If there is an emergency, call 911.

The Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness is Louisiana's coordination center for the federal, local, and private sector partners necessary to prevent, protect against, mitigate the effects of, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters.

To report suspicious activity, call 1-800-434-8007