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The City of New Orleans

Hurricane Delta Updates


Oct 06
5:09 PM
Hurricane Delta

SWBNO Monitoring Hurricane Delta, Provides Equipment Status Update

The Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans (SWBNO) is closely monitoring Hurricane Delta. Currently, 98 of 99 drainage pumps are available for service. One drainage pump at DPS 7 in Lakeview is now under repair. Crews are working to bring this pump back online by Friday, October 9, 2020.

Regarding power, Turbines 1,3, 4 and 6 are available as well as all 5 Electro-Motive Diesel (EMD) generators and all frequency changers. Turbine 3 is designated for emergency use only.

As we monitor weather, when we see heavy rain on the way, residents near our Carrollton Plant may hear us begin warming up our EMDs. We thank our neighbors for their patience and understanding. The EMDs are an important component in powering our system.

Additionally, we recently completed a major project. We now have a new feeder from Turbine 6 to the Carrollton Frequency Changer Facility that is now in place and operational, giving the system added power reliability in the case of a power outage.

Starting today, daily emergency preparation meetings are held with department managers. All SWBNO employees are prepared and ready to switch to emergency operations as the situation develops.

We encourage you to follow @SWBNewOrleans on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for updates throughout the event.